TMJ Problems

About a month ago, I (Ceci) attended a TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) seminar, or your jaw joint. TMD, or Temporomandibular Disorders, is a classification of problems relating to this joint.

World Spine Day

Mark your calendars everyone:  October 16 celebrates the annual World Spine Day!  This growing initiative is designed to raise awareness to the importance of spinal health and how it affects your overall health, both now and in the future.


This week, we’d like to share a recent personal experience to discuss whiplash injuries.  Some of you may have had similar experiences in the past.

Spinal Health and Your Child

Chiropractie Noordzee was recently invited by a local parenting group, Passionate Parenting, to submit an article for their website. We were happy to do so, and we wrote about the importance of spinal health for children.

Sleeping Positions

Continuing on from part of last week’s camping blog, we would like to expand on the topic of sleeping positions. This is an important subject that we speak to patients about every week, and we thought it deserved its own blog posting.

Camping and Health

With summer approaching, it’s that time of year when many families venture out into the great outdoors for a little camping. Getting some R & R while also getting in touch with nature has many health benefits, but it’s also important to safeguard your health and your spine to ensure you get the most enjoyment out of your trip.

Eating for Health

Clearly, the foods that we eat play a big role in how we feel physically and mentally. With so much advice out there and so many diets, what is one to believe these days?

Upper Cross Syndrome – Part 2

Bad posture….some call it the Disease of Modern Man. It can lead to Upper Cross Syndrome and be responsible for countless hours and days lost from work, family responsibilities, and other activities of daily living because of neck/shoulder pain.

Working with other therapists

There are many different health care disciplines available to patients, all with their own education and methods of therapy. The one goal we all have in common is we all want to improve the health of our patients.

Ceci’s Specialty Group: Mothers

This year, it has become increasingly clear to me where I would like to focus more my efforts in the practice. With a steady stream of mothers already visiting my office, I have really come to love working with this segment of the population more and more.

Our Chiropractic Education

We wanted to take this week’s blog to discuss our chiropractic education. There are an ever-growing number of chiropractic programs world-wide, with the most being in the United States (18 universities and colleges).

Introduction to Thomas S. Halyk

Hi everyone! My name is Thomas Halyk, and I’m very happy to be joining Chiropractic Noordzee. It’s amazing how far Ceci has come with the practice since she started it less than 2 years ago, and I’m looking forward to helping her continue to grow and expand the office in the future.